AHC Charging Education
Each department within a hospital has different educational needs, so why would you want the same charge capture education delivered to all your employees? Educational services should be based on needs, and needs should be determined only after assessments have been completed of the operations and the personnel handling the operations. Our educational services are tailored to the needs of the personnel receiving the message. The size of the audience involved in the presentation forum can be as small as one individual or as large as all the personnel within the department. We pride ourselves on delivering education that is relevant and results oriented.
We are convinced that your investment in charge capture education services will yield a high rate of return in not only increased revenue and billing/coding compliance, but also in employee satisfaction. Your employees will be taught how to simplify processess without compromising quality, and the result will be more time to manage the most important task - patient care.
Our Educational Services Include Information Related To:
Comprehensive Charge Capture & Charge Reconciliation
Designing Comprehensive Policies & Procedures For Charging Practices
Chargemaster Essentials - "You Are Part Owner"
Claim Denial Avoidance
Intradepartmental Auditing Best Practices
Contact AHC for more information on our educational services.